Dottie's Cottage Photos

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The roof is the original. The new front is in one piece and lifts completely off.
Back of house with unfinished garden, shed and privy.






Old copper boiler. Dottie's rolling pin doubles as a copper stick since her goat ate the original. In view of this visitors always politely decline refreshments which include pastries! Green object on right is an old fashioned mangle, partially hidden by sack of potatoes.

Dottie's "best" room where she takes afternoon tea and plays the "good old fashioned melodies" during the evening.

Only, of course, when all her dear creatures have been attended to.





Friday night is bath night and this is where Dottie somehow drags the tin bath in and fills it with water.

The room looks unusually spick and span.

Not one for anything modern Dottie has a chamber pot and an old stone hot water bottle. One of those with the knob in the middle which, should they fall out of bed, give the occupant of the bed a nasty awakening.

Out of sight under her pillow there is a hammer to repel intruders!





The everyday, anything room where any baking is done.

Usually bread and cakes (bird variety) and food for the dear animals.